Times and Locations

Please follow the instructions below to make an appointment BEFORE or on the SAME DAY of your visitation.


Consultation Clinic at Ayurveda Pharmaceutical Corporation, 
Address - 22, Sri Soratha Mawatha, Gangodawila, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka (Sri Jayawardenepura University Road) 

Time - 6:30am to 3:30pm

* Appointment Numbers on Wednesdays at the above location are given on Tuesday 9am onwards (ONLY 40 Numbers are Given)

* Closed on all Public Holidays (Above Location)

Saturdays and Sundays 

Time - 7:30am to 3:30pm

Address - Horiwila Weda Nivasa, Wedagama, Pugoda, Sri Lanka 

Appointment Numbers on Saturdays and Sundays at the above location are given from 4am onwards on the SAME DAY

* Closed only on Poya Days (Above Location)

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Time - 6:30am to 3:30pm

Address - Horiwila Weda Nivasa, Wedagama, Pugoda, Sri Lanka (Dr. Prasad Senanayake) 

* Appointment Numbers on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the above location are given from 4am onwards, until around 3:30pm on the SAME DAY

* Closed only on Poya Days (Above Location)